TBD Istanbul
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18. İstanbul Bilişim Kongresi “Yapay Zekâ ile E-Ticarette Sınırları Aşmak” 28 Kasım 2024 Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi olarak düzenlenen 18. İstanbul Bilişim Kongremiz bu sene 28 Kasım 2024
17. İstanbul Bilişim Kongresi “Üretken Yapay Zekâ ile İnsan Yaratıcılığının Yükselişi” 18 Aralık 2023 Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi tarafından düzenlenen 17. İstanbul Bilişim Kongremiz bu sene 18 Aralık 2023 tarihinde Kadir Has Üniversitesi
https://bilisimyildizlari.org.tr/2023/ The Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD) Istanbul Branch organizes the Informatics Stars 2023 Competition with the theme of "Domestic and National / Original Project Competition". Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD), in our country
In cooperation with the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD) Istanbul Branch Data Science Working Group and the Community Services Foundation of Turkey (TOVAK), we organized the TOVAK International Marmaris Academy (TOVAK UMA) between August 28-September 4, 2022.
November 29, 2022 "The Age of Sustainable Technologies, A Society That Can Produce Its Own Resources" The 16th Istanbul Informatics Congress, which will be organized by the Istanbul Branch of the Informatics Association of Turkey, will this year be entitled "The Age of Sustainable Technologies, A Society That Can Produce Its Own Resources".
Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch Digital Transformation and Innovation Working Group will be discussing the Levels of Digitalization in our "Digitalization on the Chair" webinar. The topic of our session will be 4 Levels of Computerization. 🗓️ Sunday, July 17, 2022
Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch Digital Transformation and Innovation Working Group will be discussing the Levels of Digitalization in our webinar "Digitalization on the Chair". The topic of our session will be 3 Levels of Computerization. Sunday, June 26, 2022 13:00
You can watch the video recordings of our 5th Istanbul SMEs and Informatics Congress held online on May 25-26 and our Artificial Intelligence Seminars organized by our Data Science Working Group throughout April on our TBD Istanbul Branch Youtube Channel.
Green World, Technology and Exporter SMEs May 25-26, 2022 THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!... PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER. Registration link: https://forms.gle/Um4J1Ln88PNcRvzy5 5th Istanbul SMEs and Informatics Conference organized by Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch
INDIGENOUS AND NATIONAL / AUTHENTIC PROJECTS COMPETING https://bilisimyildizlari.org.tr/2022/ The Istanbul Branch of the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD), which closely follows the innovations and developments in the field of informatics in our country and pioneers in the spread of informatics culture, is the Informatics
Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi 16. Olağan Genel Kurul II. Toplantısı, 12.01.2025 Pazar günü 10:00’da Şişli Belediyesi Nazım Hikmet Kültür ve Sanat Evi, Abidin Dino Salonu, Halide Edip Adıvar, Darülaceze
18. İstanbul Bilişim Kongresi “Yapay Zekâ ile E-Ticarette Sınırları Aşmak” 28 Kasım 2024 Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi olarak düzenlenen 18. İstanbul Bilişim Kongremiz bu sene 28 Kasım 2024
Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi Veri Bilimi Çalışma Grubu VIII. Disiplinlerarası Uygulamalı Veri Madenciliği Çalıştayı 2024 25 Ağustos – 1 Eylül 2024, TOVAK Uluslararası Marmaris Akademisi, Turunç, Muğla https://verimadenciligi.tovak.org/ Yapay
17. İstanbul Bilişim Kongresi “Üretken Yapay Zekâ ile İnsan Yaratıcılığının Yükselişi” 18 Aralık 2023 Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi tarafından düzenlenen 17. İstanbul Bilişim Kongremiz bu sene 18 Aralık 2023 tarihinde Kadir Has Üniversitesi
https://bilisimyildizlari.org.tr/2023/ The Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD) Istanbul Branch organizes the Informatics Stars 2023 Competition with the theme of "Domestic and National / Original Project Competition". Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD), in our country
Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch Data Science Working Group VII. Interdisciplinary Applied Data Mining Workshop 2023 August 27 - September 3, 2023, Turunç, Muğla https://verimadenciligi.tovak.org/ Today, not only the collection and storage of information
Dear Member, The 15th Ordinary General Assembly II Meeting of the Istanbul Branch of the Turkish Informatics Association has been postponed for one week due to the earthquake disaster in our country, which has deeply saddened us all. Informatics Association of Turkey Istanbul
In cooperation with the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD) Istanbul Branch Data Science Working Group and the Community Services Foundation of Turkey (TOVAK), we organized the TOVAK International Marmaris Academy (TOVAK UMA) between August 28-September 4, 2022.
November 29, 2022 "The Age of Sustainable Technologies, A Society That Can Produce Its Own Resources" The 16th Istanbul Informatics Congress, which will be organized by the Istanbul Branch of the Informatics Association of Turkey, will this year be entitled "The Age of Sustainable Technologies, A Society That Can Produce Its Own Resources".
Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch Digital Transformation and Innovation Working Group will be discussing the Levels of Digitalization in our "Digitalization on the Chair" webinar. The topic of our session will be 4 Levels of Computerization. 🗓️ Sunday, July 17, 2022