Prof. Dr. Aydın Köksal Awards
“Prof. Dr. Aydın KÖKSAL Ödülleri”; gençlik yıllarından beri Türkiye’yi bilişim çağına taşımayı ilke edinmiş, akademik hayatı boyunca “Türkiye’yi Bilişim Toplumuna Dönüştürmek” için çabalamış, bu amaçla 1971 yılında TBD’yi kurmuş ve Türkçe’nin bir bilim dili olması için ömrünü adamış, “Bilişim” in de dahil olduğu 2 bin 500 bilimsel sözcüğü Türkçe’ ye kazandıran Prof. Dr. Aydın Köksal onuruna verilmektedir.
Academics, researchers, scientists working in R&D departments of universities and industrial organizations can participate in the competition with their works published as original papers, articles or books.
Prof. Dr. Aydın Köksal, who introduced more than 2,500 scientific words such as computer, data processing, informatics, software, online, printer, memory, hardware, communication, command, memory location, operating into Turkish, had made his mark on the Turkish scientific world with his warnings that the language of education should be 'Turkish' and that national languages were disappearing in countries that taught in foreign languages, although he spoke English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.
Aydın Köksal was born in Istanbul in 1940. After graduating from Galatasaray High School with top honors, he received a degree in Electronics Engineering from INSA de Lyon in France (1964). He became Doctor of Science in Informatics Linguistics (1975, Hacettepe University), University Associate Professor in Computer Science Engineering (1980, HU), and Professor in Computer Software (1991, Gazi University).
Prof. Dr. Köksal's achievements in the informatics sector are summarized as follows: He participated in the establishment of Hacettepe University (1967), founded the HU Data Processing Center (1967-1980), established the Informatics Institute (1973), started Turkey's first PhD program in Computer Engineering (1974); established the HU Department of Computer Engineering as the first department in this field in Turkey (1977); served as the chairman of this department (1980-85). He founded the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD) (1971) and served as its president for a long time (1971-75; 1981-87); he published the journal Bilişim (Informatics) (1972-87); he was a member of the editorial board of this journal until 1996. He introduced approximately 2,500 words into Turkish scientific terminology, including words such as computer, information processing, software, hardware, informatics and communication. He organized and managed the Interuniversity Student Selection and Placement Project as the Head of the Information Processing Unit (1974-80); he established the ÖSYM Information Processing Center (1976). He lectured at Hacettepe University Faculty of Science and Engineering (1968-1985), Middle East Technical University Faculty of Engineering (1968-69), Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences (1971-74), Gazi University Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences (1990-95).
He was a member of the Informatics Subcommission of the Commission for the Reorganization of State Economic Enterprises (1971); member (1975-86) and chairman (1977-78) of the State Planning Organization (SPO) Electronic Data Processing Continuous Special Expertise Board; advisor to the Prime Ministry (State Situation Center) (1981-82). He was elected as a member of the Turkish Language Association (TDK) (1975), as a member of the Board of Directors (1982-83), as the chairman of the Term Branch (1982-83); as a member of the Executive Board of TÜBİTAK Scientist Training Group (1984-87); as a member of the Software Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) (2006); as a member of the Board of Trustees of Toros University (2007). He served as the General Secretary of the Language Association during its founding years (1987-88) and continued as a member of the board of directors until 1992; he was a founding member of the National Education Association (2003); he participated in the Turkish Science Terms Dictionary studies initiated by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) in 2001.
He represented Turkey 22 times abroad in international organizations such as the United Nations, UNESCO, SPIN, OECD, IFIP, etc.
Prof. Dr. Köksal has served in the organizing boards of many scientific congresses and workshops and in the editorial and advisory boards of journals such as Informatics (Informatics Association of Turkey); Language Journal (Ankara University); Öğretmen Dünyası; Savunma Sanayii Gündemi (Undersecretariat of Defense Industry); EMO Scientific Journal - Journal of Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Biomedical Engineering (Chamber of Electrical Engineers).
As an engineer, Prof. Dr. Köksal, who believes that especially information technology can be used as the most effective tool for economic and social development, has worked intensively within the framework of non-governmental organizations for the transformation of Turkish society into a "modern information society". The associations he was a member of are as follows: Turkish Informatics Association (TBD), Turkish Computing Industrialists Association (TÜBİSAD), Turkish Informatics Foundation, Atatürkist Thought Association, Language Association, National Education Association, Turkish-French Engineers Friendship Association, Turkish-Japanese Friendship Association, Ankara Galatasaray Association, Galatasaray Sports Club, Ankara Tennis Club. He ran track and field as a licensed athlete of Galatasaray Sports Club in 400 meters and 400 meters hurdles (1956-60).
The main awards Prof. Dr. Köksal has won are as follows:
- Galatasaray Salih Zeki Mathematics Prize in 1960;
- Dr. Necdet Bulut Science and Engineering Award of the All Faculty Members Association (TÜMÖD), which he shared with Prof. Dr. Tarık Özker in 1979: For organizing Computer Engineering as a branch of science in Turkey, introducing the word "informatics" into Turkish, his work in the SPO IT Special Expertise Committee for the planned and effective use of computers in Turkey, and for organizing the informatics profession as the founder of TBD;
- Turkish Language Association (TDK) Essay and Review Award in 1980: For his work "Dil İle Ekin";
- TBD-TÜBİSAD Lifetime Service Award in 1996, the year it was first recognized;
- Honorary Member of the Turkish Foundry Industrialists Association (TÜDÖKSAD) in 1996: "For his outstanding efforts and achievements in the education of the Turkish youth, the future of our Republic, and in the organization of the scientific age in Turkey";
- Honorary President of TBD in 2003;
- Konak, Izmir 6th Turkish Days Language Award, which he shared with Prof. Dr. Şerafettin Turan in 2007;
- Ankara Public Relations Association (AHİD) Turkish Language Adopters Award, which he shared with Jülide Gülizar and Ali Püsküllüoğlu in 2008;
- In 2009, HP's 20th Anniversary Award for the 20 Most Significant Contributors to the Development of Technology and Innovation in Turkey;
- In 2010, Istanbul Beykoz Rotary Association's Informatics Profession Award (Other Profession Awards: Archaeology: Prof. Dr. Halet Çambel; Architecture: Doğan Hasol; Journalism: Rahmi Duman; Medicine: Prof. Dr. Adil Baykan; Art: Zekâi Tunca);
- Turkish Language Association Honorary Award at the "Turkic Republics Cooperation Platform on Informatics and Common Terms" in Baku, Azerbaijan on June 24-26, 1010.
- 26 Eylül 2010 Dil Bayramı’nda Dil Derneği’nden TDK 78. Yıl Onur Ödülü, soyadlarına göre abece sırasında Ülkü Günay (Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği Ankara Şubesi Başkanı), Turhan Günay (Cumhuriyet Kitap Eki Editörü), Işık Kansu, Prof. Dr. Cahit Kavcar, Hayrettin Karaca (Founding President of TEMA Foundation), Prof. Dr. Doğan Kuban, Ahmet Miskioğlu (owner of Türk Dili Magazine), Güray Öz, Prof. Süleyman Çetin Özoğlu, Prof. Orhan Öztürk, Metin Uca, Dilek Göğüş Ülgüray, Şemsettin Ünlü and Mustafa Kemal Yılmaz.
The Hacettepe University Senate, upon the recommendation of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Engineering, unanimously nominated Prof. Dr. Aydın Köksal for the TÜBİTAK Service Award in 2009; however, this service award was not given that year.
Since 1985, Prof. Dr. Köksal has been managing Bilişim AŞ, a consulting firm and software house, which he founded on his own volition after leaving the university. In this capacity, Prof. Dr. Köksal is trying to contribute to the development of the Turkish national software industry. On the other hand, he continues to contribute to Turkish enlightenment through his books, writings, conferences in many regions of the country and radio and television programs. Prof. Köksal, who has more than 280 publications, speaks English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Prof. Dr. Aydın Köksal is married to Prof. Dr. Gülden Köksal.
- Computer Engineering Science Award
- Computer Engineering Academic Teaching Award
- Original Domestic Software Award
- Software Export Award
*** Applications can be delivered to TBD by hand, courier or electronically until Friday, September 30, 2022 at 17:00
Başvuru Tarihi : 1 Mart 2024 – 27 Eylül 2024
Jüri Değerlendirme Tarihi : 16 Ekim 2024 – 15 Kasım 2024
Tören Tarihi : TBD 41. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı 19 – 20 Aralık 2024
- Rahmi AKTEPE - TBD President
- M. Ali YAZICI – TBD Genel Başkan Yardımcısı
- Prof. Dr. Ali YAZICI - Atılım University Faculty Member
- Prof. Dr. Asaf VAROL - Maltepe University Faculty Member
- Prof. Dr. Türksel KAYA BENSGHIR - Haci Bayram Veli University Faculty Member
- Prof. Dr. Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY - METU Faculty Member
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem ERYILMAZ - Atılım University Faculty Member
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeyda ERTEKİN - METU Faculty Member
- Ertan BARUT - TOBB Software Assembly President
- Nuray BAŞAR - Chairman of ASO Computer Software Industry Professional Committee
- Dr. Ruşen KÖMÜRCÜ - Secretary General of SASAD