Istanbul Branch

Establishment and Purpose

The Turkish Informatics Association (TBD), which was founded in 1971 almost immediately after Turkey's introduction to informatics by a semi-academic community, which we can call informatics professionals today, with a great vision of the future, has now turned into a "Civil Society" pioneering movement that tries to spread the "Informatics Culture" with its members from all layers of society.

Üye sayısı bugün 12.000’i aşmıştır. Yedi şubesi, 13 il temsilciliği ve Üniversitelerdeki TBD-Genç örgütlenmesiyle TBD, bilişim sektörünün gelişmesine önemli katkılar vermeye devam etmektedir.

The reports, recommendations and independent discourse produced by the Informatics Association of Turkey through its structure based on individual participation and volunteerism are now taken into consideration by all decision-makers and all segments of society.

The most important factor in this success is the interest, trust, support and contribution that our members have shown to our association for years under all circumstances.

Objectives of TBD

      • To help the increase and development of information-related technologies and computer usage in Turkey in an efficient manner and to keep them at contemporary levels,
      • Gathering IT professionals together, ensuring their professional development and solidarity,
      • To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the manpower in the IT sector and to support investments in human resources,
      • To ensure cooperation on issues such as standards, terminology, education, legal regulations, working conditions related to informatics,
      • To support scientific research and development studies, hardware and software production in the field of informatics, and to monitor the increase in the quality of such studies,
      • To assist in the pursuit of integration with the world in computer hardware, software and communication issues,
      • To contribute to the coordination within the informatics sector, to ensure the formation of policies and decisions that prioritize the public interest in informatics,
      • Raising awareness of becoming an information society throughout the country,
      • To develop solutions to social problems related to informatics,
      • While working to increase the welfare of society, to work for the benefit of people and society by caring for the smallest unit that makes up society, the human being, at all ages.


In order to contribute to the formation of national consciousness towards becoming an informatics society, to the determination of national informatics policies, and to the clarification of our professional solidarity and organized attitude, we invite everyone who is interested in software, informatics, computers and whose path passes through information to become a member of our association.

TBD established the Istanbul branch in order to reach out more to Istanbul, which has a high sectoral weight, through the BIM Executives Club (BIMKULÜP). TBD Istanbul branch was established in 1995. In addition, other branches and institutional representative offices were established in order to expand the organization and to be closer to our members.

Everyone who becomes a member of our association will have the opportunity to both closely monitor and influence developments in the sector through TBD relations.

As TBD Istanbul Branch;

 To create a management model that can work in team spirit and harmony in order to realize its goals within the understanding of continuous development,
 To be a practitioner of a participatory democratic approach that values the knowledge and opinions of all who wish to contribute,
 To ensure that all our activities are systematic, rational and effective by mobilizing the internal dynamism of the Association,
 Growing by sharing and moving forward with participation to succeed,
 To be an association that is guided by science and reason, progressive, transparent and uncompromising on ethical values,
 To increase communication, interaction and solidarity among members,
As an association, to create platforms where the truth is discussed without taking sides,
We want to unite the Informatics Sector with all its parties in unity of common goals and provide the longed-for environment.

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