Izmir Branch

Turkish Informatics Association

The Turkish Informatics Association (TBD), which was founded in 1971 almost immediately after Turkey's introduction to informatics by a semi-academic community, which we can call informatics professionals today, with a great vision of the future, has now turned into a "Civil Society" pioneering movement that tries to spreadthe"Informatics Culture" with its members from all layers of society.

The number of its members has exceeded 10,000 today. TBD continues to make significant contributions to the development of the informatics sector with its seven branches, 13 provincial representatives and TBD-Genç organization in 33 universities.

Our congresses and events, which started with nearly 100 participants in a single hall, have reached a size that cannot fit in congress centers with 11 halls and 8,513 registered and over 500 unregistered participants.

The reports, recommendations and independent discourse produced by the Informatics Association of Turkey through its structure based on individual participation and volunteerism are now taken into consideration by all decision-makers and all segments of society.

The most important factor in this success is the interest, trust, support and contribution that our members have shown to our association for years under all circumstances.

The longing of our association since its foundation;

  • A Turkey that produces technology,
  • A society that can use technology to improve its quality of life,
  • A state administration that can use its resources effectively and efficiently,
  • Skilled workforce,
  • An internationally competitive production sector,

and every citizen can enjoy living in this beautiful country with pride and great honor.

Depending on "National Informatics Policies" to achieve these,

  • Encouraging "national R&D" investments
  • Increasing "National Added Value" in the Informatics Sector
  • Bringing together the capabilities of our Information Technology companies and vertical sector requirements
  • Structuring Technoparks for cooperation and areas of specialization,
  • Directing young minds in our universities towards creativity and production,
  • Awareness training and studies to ensure that our citizens benefit from information technologies as much as possible

to be able to make a difference in the world.

For this purpose,

  • We contribute to the strategy and policy documents for the effective and efficient use of informatics in state administration, both through the reports prepared by our working groups, which work with a voluntary participation that is unique in the world, and through active participation in meetings held in the public sector.
  • We carry out general training activities on the use of informatics in education, informatics trainings and new business areas and preventing the digital divide
  • We continue our technological information activities that will enable our production sector to increase their productivity by using information technologies and to open up to international markets.

The most important of these activities are, of course, the "common mind" meetings we organize with IT professionals for the future. We believe that these meetings will be of great importance in guiding the country's informatics policies in the future, as they have been until today, and we are trying to realize them.

Turkish Informatics Association is an association of the informatics sector with a membership structure consisting of active users from the public and private sectors, academics and all segments of society, in other words, it is "Your Association".

Let's take the IT sector to the place it deserves with a common mind , hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder.

Basic Principles

  • To help the increase and development of information-related technologies and computer use in Turkey in an efficient manner and to keep them at modern dimensions,
  • Gathering informaticians together, providing professional development and solidarity,
  • To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the manpower in the IT sector and to support investments in human resources,
  • To provide cooperation on issues such as standards, terminology, education, legal regulations, working conditions related to informatics,
  • To support scientific research and development studies, hardware and software production in the field of informatics, and to monitor the increase in the quality of such studies,
  • To assist in the pursuit of integration with the world in computer hardware, software and communication issues,
  • To contribute to the coordination within the informatics sector, to ensure the formation of policies and decisions that prioritize the public interest in informatics,
  • Raising awareness of becoming an information society throughout the country,
  • To develop solutions to social problems related to informatics,
  • While working to increase the welfare of the society, caring for the smallest unit that constitutes the society, human beings, at all ages, and working for the benefit of human and society

Sectoral Events

TBD engages in various activities in line with its objectives.

  • Establishes working groups and conducts research on current and future issues,
  • It provides technical and scientific consultancy, prepares reports, creates opportunities for exchange of information and cooperation,
  • Technical and scientific publications,
  • Organizes and implements on-the-job training programs,
  • Introduces the methods and techniques in conferences, conventions, seminars, panel discussions and similar topics,
  • It organizes and participates in national and international meetings on informatics and other related issues, and establishes relations with similar organizations,
  • To follow the developments in the world in the field of informatics and other related subjects and to ensure that they are transferred within the country,
  • Forms opinions on all kinds of applications and legal regulations related to informatics, brings them to the attention of those concerned, and contributes to the formation of plans and policies.

Cooperate with other civil society organizations.

Public Benefit Association

Due to the level of these activities, TBD has officially gained the status of a public benefit association. Since its foundation, the Turkish Informatics Association has always made lasting contributions to society as a de facto public benefit association. However, officially gaining this status has made it easier to support the association financially.

With this understanding and approach, TBD İZMİR Branch was established in 2008 and started its activities.

In the light of the objectives described above, Alsancak 1459 street no:3/B

Training and seminars are provided.İZFAŞ - Participates in all kinds of information-communication activities including IEF.

we provide support.

TBD IZMIR branch is an organization where academic, public and private sector informaticians come together.

It serves as a platform.

Bank account No. where dues and donations can be deposited: 


ACCOUNT NO: 34276106-5003

BRANCH: T.C. Ziraat Bank, ALSANCAK Branch - IZMIR

IBAN: TR86 0001 0007 1234 2761 0650 03


5th Term Board of Directors: 



FERİDUN TUNA (Treasurer)