Membership Conditions
Anyone who has the conditions specified in Section 2 of the Turkish Informatics Association Bylaws can become a member of our association.
In order to apply for membership, you can fill out the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION DOCUMENT of the Branch you will register and send it by mail to the contact address of the relevant branch.
The address of the membership application forms of our Branches where you will apply for membership: https: //
Our branches page :
ARTICLE 4: Persons who are capable of exercising civil rights, who have completed the age of 18 and who meet the qualifications in Article 5 may become members of the Association. Those who are deprived of the right to establish an association cannot be members of the Association. In order for foreigners to become members of the Association, in addition to the conditions required for Turkish citizens, it is also required that they have the right to reside in Turkey. No residence condition is required for honorary membership.
ARTICLE 5: The Association consists of two types of members who meet the general conditions.
a) MEMBERS: To the Association
1.Those working in the field of information processing or informatics in an organization in Turkey,
2. Those who conduct research and/or publish in the fields of computing or informatics,
3. Those who ensure the widespread and efficient use of computer technologies in their organizations,
4. Those who are professionally interested in informatics and adopt the objectives of the association and operate in that direction
can become a member.
b) HONORARY MEMBERS: Honorary memberships shall be granted by the decision of the Board of Directors to those who show close interest in the Association at home and abroad, protect it and help it to realize its objectives.
a) Those who wish to become a member of the Association shall apply to the Branch in the provinces where there is a Branch and to the Central Executive Board (CEC) in other provinces by signing the petition, the format of which is determined by the Central Executive Board, together with 1 photograph, and adding the reasoned suggestions of two members of the Association. Members of the Association, whose membership requests are announced to them, can report their opinions about the applicants to the Central or Branch Board of Directors. The applications made to the central or branch board of directors are examined by the relevant board and decided within 30 days and the result is announced to the applicant in writing. Branch boards of directors shall notify the Central Board of Directors of the new members. The Central Board of Directors may recommend those who do not meet the membership requirements to be removed from membership by notifying the Branch Board of Directors.
b) Honorary membership is granted directly by the Board of Directors without the need for any application.
c) Those whose membership request is accepted shall be registered in the Central Member Register and in the Branch Member Register in the provinces where there is a branch.
ARTICLE 7: Members shall be issued an "Identity Card", the format of which shall be determined by the FMC as a single type, and a "Membership Number" generated at the TBD headquarters in a sequential manner, regardless of the branch in which the member is registered, and if any, indicating the branch in which the member is registered.
ARTICLE 8: No one shall be forced to remain a member of the Association. Every member has the right to withdraw from membership.
Members of the Association have equal rights.
Each member has one vote in the General Assembly
Honorary members have no voting rights.
ARTICLE 9: Members:
i. To comply with the decisions taken and announced by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors
ii. To comply with the Informatics Honor Code,
iii. To notify the Board of Directors within three months at the latest in the event of a change in the legal address where correspondence can be made with him/her,
iv. To fulfill the other material and moral obligations stipulated in this charter without interruption
duties and responsibilities.
Any member may submit his/her wishes regarding the management of the Association in writing to the Board of Directors.
a) Withdrawal from membership is made by exercising the right of withdrawal. The withdrawing member notifies the Board of Directors with a petition.
b) Members who do not fulfill the conditions set forth in these Bylaws or who act in violation of the objectives of the Association or the duties and obligations of the members shall be expelled from membership upon the request of the Board of Directors and the decision of the Honorary Board. Those who are expelled from membership may apply against the expulsion decision at the first General Assembly. The decision of the General Assembly is final.
c) The minutes of those who are dismissed or expelled from membership shall be deleted from the membership register.