Ankara Branch
Founded on April 22, 1971 and Turkey's first non-governmental organization in the Informatics Sector, the Informatics Association of Turkey was included among the associations working for the public benefit with the decision of the Council of Ministers in 1994. Branch organization was initiated in line with the increasing number of members and activities. In this context; Necati ETLACAKUŞ, Y. Murat ERTEN, Mukaddes BURHAN, Ahmet PEKEL, Talat POSTACI, R. Erdem ERKUL, Coşkun DOLANBAY with the founding board of directors, TBD Ankara Branch was established on May 16, 2008 and held its first general assembly on October 26, 2008.
On 20 January 2019, Kenan Nurhan ALTINSAAT, Hakan DEMİRTEL, Gamze CAN, Nesrin EZER, Zafer VERGİLİ, Dr. Altan ÖZKİL and Alper KARABULUT were elected to the Board of Directors of our Branch at the Sixth Ordinary General Assembly.
With its Board of Directors consisting of public and private sector representatives, academicians and working groups consisting of volunteer members, our Branch continues its functions in various fields in accordance with the mission of our association, both for its own members and for other segments of society.
Since its establishment, activities have been planned and carried out to contribute to the professional development of our members and IT sector employees, whose number has been increasing since its establishment, and to develop professional and social solidarity.
Working groups were formed consisting of our members who volunteered to plan and carry out branch activities.