TBD President Mr. Rahmi AKTEPE and TBD Delegation visited Mr. Zekeriya COŞTU, Director General of National Technology at his Office
TBD President Mr. Rahmi AKTEPE, TBD Executive Board Chairman Mr. Dr. Aydın KOLAT and TBD Ankara Branch Chairman Mr. N. Kenan ALTINSAAT visited Mr. Zekeriya COŞTU, Director General of National Technology at the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
During the visit, information was shared about the activities carried out by TBD in general. Afterwards, the latest status of the Organized Industrial Zones Cyber Security Awareness Trainings, which are carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and how the cooperation can be further developed were discussed. Detailed information was given about the Ankara Young Brains New Ideas Event to be held on May 16-17, and a consensus was reached on participation and support.
Finally, the Executive Board evaluated the activities carried out together, discussed the projects to be carried out together and wished Mr. İrfan Keskin, who was appointed as Deputy General Manager, good luck and success.