18 Kasım 2014 Salı, 10:00-16:00
TBD İstanbul Şubesi Eğitim Salonu
Eğitimin Tanımı
Eğitim, ISACA tarafından 2012’de yayınlanan en güncel sürüm olan COBIT 5 ile ilgili farkındalık düzeyinde bilgi sağlamayı hedefler. Eğitmenimiz, COBIT 5 eğitimleri konusunda APMG tarafından akredite edilmiştir. Bu eğitimin katılımcıları, sonraki COBIT 5 eğitimlerine katılıp katılmama konusunda karar alabilirler.
Kimler Katılmalı
Bilgi Teknolojileri (BT) denetçileri, BT yöneticileri, BT kalite uzmanları, BT liderleri, BT süreçlerini geliştiren ve BT süreçlerini uygulayan, BT hizmetleri veren kurumlar, COBIT hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyenler katılabilir.
Eğitimin Amacı
Eğitimin amacı BT yönetişimi ve çerçevesine duyulan gereksinimi vurgularken COBIT 5’i temel yapısını tanıtmayı hedefler. Eğitim aynı zamanda COBIT’in diğer çerçeve ve standartlarla (ISO/IEC 27002, ITIL vs.) ilişkisi hakkında bilgi sunar.
Eğitimin Süresi
Eğitimin süresi 1 gündür.
Eğitimin Ajandası
COBIT 5’in geliştirilmesindeki ana unsurlar
BT Yönetişim prensipleri ve BT Kurumsal Yönetişimine entegrasyonu
COBIT 5 ve diğer çerçeveler/standartlar arasındaki ilişkiler
COBIT 5 ürün mimarisi
Kurumsal BT’nin yönetimi ve yönetişimi için COBIT 5’in kilit prensipleri
COBIT 5 süreçleri ve süreç referans modeli yönetişim ve yönetim prensipleri yaratmada nasıl rehber olur
COBIT 5 uygulaması için temel kavramlar
Yeni Süreç Değerlendirme modelinin temel prensipleri
Eğitim Dili ve Materyalleri
Eğitim dili Türkçe, ancak eğitim materyalleri İngilizce olacaktır.
Katılımcı sayısı sınırlı olduğundan önceden kayıt yaptırmak gerekmektedir.
A certificate of participation is presented at the end of the program. TBD Istanbul reserves the right to change the training venue or instructor, cancel or postpone the program when necessary.
Üye Katılım Bağış Bedeli 50 TL, Üye dışında Katılım Bağış Bedeli 100 TL
Ödeme İçin Hesap Bilgileri
Hesap Adı: Türkiye Bilişim Derneği İstanbul Şubesi
Türkiye İş Bankası Hasanpaşa Şubesi 1166 – 0343544
IBAN No: TR180006400000111660343544
Başvuru ve Eğitim Yeri
TBD Istanbul Tel: 0216 337 70 41 Fax: 0216 337 70 09 e-posta: [email protected]
Adres: Caferağa Mahallesi Gn. Asım Gündüz Caddesi (Bahariye Caddesi) Adliye Palas Apartmanı No:72 Kat:1 Daire:1 Kadıköy İstanbul
Turkiye Bilisim Dernegi Uyelik Kosullari
Uyelik Basvuru Formu, İki adet resim, 60 TL yillik uyelik bedeli
Tansel Kıyıcı was born in Istanbul in 1966. He graduated from Beşiktaş Atatürk High School in 1983. He received his Electronics and Communication Engineer degree from Istanbul Technical University in 1987 and his Electrical and Electronics Engineer degree from Boğaziçi University in 1990. Tansel Kıyıcı started his career at STFA Savronik Defense Electronics in 1990. After completing his military service in the General Staff, he worked as Telecommunication Technical Support Manager at Bilpa, the Information Processing Company of Yapı Kredi Bank. In 1996, he joined Verinet, the Satellite Services company of Çukurova Group. In 1997, he was appointed as Operations Manager at SITA, the company with the largest network in the world, and worked as Customer Services Manager at Equant (now Orange Business Services), a member of the same group, between 2000 and 2003. During this period, he was responsible for companies such as THY in Turkey and Jordan Airways abroad. After that, he joined Borusan Telekom (now Vodafone Net) and worked in various management positions. After serving as Customer Relations Manager at Borusan Telekom, where he successfully applied his international customer management experience, he was appointed as Operations Manager. In 2008, he was appointed as Assistant General Manager of Operations responsible for Customer Operations, Network and IT. During his professional career at Borusan Telekom, he took various roles in 6 Sigma Expert Green Belt and Black Belt projects. In one of the projects he participated in, he took part as Project Sponsor in the implementation of ITIL processes at Borusan Telekom, while at the same time, as Process Owner, he continued to work to ensure that all processes became ITIL compliant in the process after the project was implemented. After leaving Borusan Telekom in December 2009, he joined Aneltech. His first task at Aneltech was to ensure that the Applications and Services Business Unit achieved sustainable profitability. As responsible for Service Operations and Projects at Aneltech, his role was to ensure that all national and international projects were completed on time and within budget. In December 2011, Tansel Kıyıcı left his position at Aneltech and joined ProcessPark as Managing Partner and Consultant. His first important task at ProcessPark was to make ProcessPark an accredited Training Center and Examination Center. As the first and only accredited trainer in Turkey on Cobit 5, Mr. Kıyıcı continues his role at ProcessPark as a senior consultant and COBIT/ITIL trainer.